Saturday, May 31, 2008

Brand Spanking New Day

HoooWeee! It surely has been a long time since I have blogged. A long, torturous year filled with self-pity and solo binge drinking while watching 5 episodes of Law & Order (whichever mutation is on) per evening before segueing into the Lifetime late-night sitcom line-up. A year that has seen me start smoking again, fantasize about driving my car into a concrete wall quite regularly, exhibit some pretty shameful stalker-like qualities, fire two therapists, get a tattoo and knit more washcloths than I will ever use.

But, I'm better now. Mostly. Soon, I might even think about dating again.

Sure, I still have my moments. But they are fewer and farther between. I quit blogging because every post I was writing was horrible, embarrassing and pathetic, and included descriptions of public crying jags that humiliated all involved. I think those are over.

Betrayal is a bitch. That's all I can say about that.